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Affirming actions symposium was the result of a series of interviews and conversation we had since January 2021 with the participant architects. The first step was understanding their work beyond their physical constructions, to focus the interviews on their different approaches. After that all the process was based on enriching conversations with them where we sharpened our position as mediators so that on the day of the event the questions would work well with the topic and between the two architects who would form the debates.
After the event, we have been focus on organizing all the data we have to make it accesible for the world.
The result has been a youtube channel where you can watch all the videos, a website with the biographies and common points and a instagram to be able to reach as many people as possible.

The event was held in the auditorium of the Rolex Learning Center in celebration of its tenth anniversary.

A series of seven 60-minute thematic discussions, each involving two architects.

Each discussion was structures around a topic, chosen as an opportunity for the invited guests to articulate some of the important aspects of their architectural positions.

The program concluded with a conversation with Denise Scott Brown.

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Angela Deuber - Zurich Elisa Valero - Granada Carla Juaçaba - Brasil Marina Tabassum

Hannah Robertson - Australia Xu tiantian - Pekín Rozana Montiel - México Mijong - Sion

Kerstin Thompson - Australia Comunal - México Sophie Delhay - París Salima Naji - Marruecos

Claudia Rodríguez - México Lilitt Bollinger - Nuglar Denise Scott Brown - Filadelfia

Conversation at the Rolex 06 - Debate Salima Naji and Claudia Rodriguez
Conversation at the Rolex 06 - Debate Salima Naji and Claudia Rodriguez
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Conversation at the Rolex 06 - Presentation Claudia Rodriguez
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Conversation at the Rolex 02 - Presentation Marina Tabassum
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Conversation at the Rolex 03 - Presentation Xu Tiantian
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